Prof. Victor Sverbilov, Russia

Prof. Victor Sverbilov, Russia

Automatic Systems of Power Plants Dept.

Samara University, Russia


Victor Sverbilov is Associate Professor ofAutomatic Systems of Power Plants Departmentat Samara University (former names Kuibyshev Aviation Institute, Samara State Aerospace University), Candidate of Science (PhD) in the field of aircraft engines. He was graduated as mechanical engineer in aircraft engines from Kuibyshev Aviation Institute in 1970. He was then employed at Kuibyshev Machine Design Company as Principal Testing Engineer for aircraft engines. Since 1972 he re-joined Kuibyshev Aviation Institute as researcher. He obtained his Candidate of Science degree (Ph.D.) for his work in the field of engines control in 1983. His research was concerned with methods and means to improving dynamic characteristics and stabilizing systems with gas pressure regulators by action on pipe-lines dynamics. He was appointed as Lecturer in Math in 1984 and Associate Professor of Math Department in 1988. He was organizer of the Pre-university Faculty, served as Dean of it in 1990-1994 and organized Aerospace Lyceum as division of the Samara State Aerospace University in 1990. Since 1996 he served as Associate Professor atAutomatic Systems of Power Plants Department. He teaches courses Hydraulic Machines and Power Transmissions, Hydraulic Drives and Control Systems, Aircraft Engines Control. He was visiting professor in the University of Bath (UK) in 2007. He has published over 100 academic papers in the field of fluid power systems and control. His research interests include fluid-borne noise, hydraulic and pneumatic systems and components dynamics, valve performances, fault diagnosis. Organizer of serial International Conferences on Dynamics and Vibroacoustics of Machines (DVM2014, DVM2016, DVM2018, DVM2020, DVM2022) and editor of its proceedings in Procedia Engineering (Elsevier BV) and in IEEE Digital library. Organizer of 2018 Global Fluid Power Society PhD Symposium (GFPS 2018) and editor of its proceedings published in IEEE Digital library.

Keynote address:Dynamics of pressure regulators in gas transportation systems: Stability and noise

Gas pressure regulators are widely used in gas transportation and distribution systems. They are designed for deep pressure reduction and high accuracy over a wide flow range. Operation at a high pressure drop is accompanied by a high level of noise, for reduction of which, silencers are used. However, installation of a noise suppressor into the pressure control system has a significant impact on its static and dynamic characteristics. This can lead to a decrease of accuracy, loss of stability and occurrence of self-oscillations of the valve. These, in turn, lead to increasing noise and vibration, wear of contact surfaces and premature failure of the regulator.

Thus, the solution of the complex problems of stability and noise in natural gas transportation systems is of interest from both scientific and economic and environmental points of view. Works in this direction have been carried out at Samara University since the 1970s.

The main areas of research are:Development of a universal regulator with a built-in noise suppressor;Development of efficient autonomous noise suppressors;Evaluation of the influence of connected systems on controller’s stability and characteristics;Development of methods and means for correcting dynamic characteristics of pipeline circuits.In each of these areas, many research works were carried out and dissertations were defended, a brief overview of which is presented in the report.