Prof. Yinshui Liu, China

Prof. Yinshui Liu, China

Professor ofMechatronics,

HuazhongUniversityof Science and Technology, China


Yinshui Liu is a professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology(HUST). He received his master's degree from Gansu University of Technology (now Lanzhou University of Technology) in 1998 and his doctor's degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2002. From 2002 to 2004, he worked at the postdoctoral station of Materials Science and Engineering in HUST. In 2008, he because the head of the Fluid Power Control Engineering Department in HUST, which was established in 1973. He has long been engaged in the research of seawater and freshwater hydraulic drive and transmission technology, and has undertaken a number of important research tasks on the fluid power drive in deep sea. His research achievements have been widely used in major engineering equipment such as "Struggler" manned submersible. He won two provincial and ministerial technical invention prizes, three patent prizes, and one second prize in the first national textbook construction

He was selected as a national leading talent, and served as the Chairman of the Valve Drive Device Technical Committee of the National Valve Standardization Committee, the deputy chairman of the Water hydraulic Committee of the Fluid Power Transmission and Control Institution, CMES. Editorial board member of journals such as Hydraulics and Pneumatics, Fluid Machinery, Hydraulics Pneumatics and Seals, member of the Academic Committee of deep-sea Equipment Technology of China Society of Naval Architecture Engineering, etc.

Keynote address: Fluid Power Drive in Deep Sea- Present and Future

The deep sea is a resource trove for the present and future of mankind. The development of the deep sea relies on advanced deep-sea equipment.Fluid power drive has the significant characteristic of a high power-to-weight ratio, which gives it an unrivalled advantage over other transmission methods in heavy-duty operational equipment. In addition, fluid power drive systems in deep sea environments can easily withstand high ambient pressures through pressure compensation as the working fluid medium is filled internally. In contrast, electrical drives (e.g. motors) need to be filled with oil in order to adapt to the deep-sea environment, which can change the performance of the motor and bring new problems such as sealing and lubrication. Therefore, electrical drives need to be "hydraulized" in deep sea. This report discusses the advantages of fluid power drivein deep sea, and shares application cases of fluid power drive in deep sea, as well as discussing the challenges and future development trends of fluid power drive in deep sea equipment.