Prof.Katharina Schmitz

Prof.Katharina Schmitz(亚琛工大,线上)

Director of the Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Systems (ifas), RWTH Aachen University, Germany


Prof. Katharina Schmitz graduated in mechanical engineering at RWTH Aachen University in 2010 with part of her studies taking place at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh (USA) and working in Le Havre (France). After graduation, she worked as a scientific staff member and Deputy Chief Engineer at IFAS, the Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Controls of Prof. Murrenhoff. In 2015, Prof. Schmitz graduated as Dr.-Ing. and started working in the industrial sector for a family-owned company, which focuses on special purpose hydraulic solutions and large cylinders. There, she was promoted to Technical Director in 2016. Since March 2018 she is full professor at RWTH Aachen university and Director of ifas, the Institute or Fluid Power Drives and Systems. The institutes is one of the largest research facilities focusing on all aspects of fluid power drives and systems with about 30 researcher associates, 45 Master students and about 35 Bachelor Students. In addition, in January 2020 she took over the position as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at RWTH Aachen. Prof. Schmitz is editor and member of editorial board of national and international journals. In addition she is involved in conference organization worldwide as member of program committees, reviewer, session organizer and session chair. In addition, since 2019 she is part of the ASME Robert E. Koski Medal Committee.

Keynote address:Electrification and Digital Transformation – Chances and Challenges for Fluid Power Technology

Fluid Power drives play an important role in mobile machinery as well as in industrial applications. Up to now, the focus of research and development lay on the key assets of this technology, its very good controllability and its robustness. Within the global challenges the world is facing today, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions play an important role in all aspects of living and industry. Fluid Power technology can contribute to this matter by increasing energy efficiency of fluid power drive systems. In a more and more electrified world, the electrification of mobile machinery allows for larger improvements in the hydraulic drive system as well. In addition, the digital transformation of industry enables fluid power systems to further progress.

In her talk, Prof. Schmitz will discuss chances and challenges for fluid power drive applications concerning the digital transformation and the electrification of mobile machinery and present research results how to meet these challenges.