Prof. Feng zhou, China

Prof. Feng zhou, China

Director of Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics,China


Dr. Feng Zhou. Heis a fullprofessor in Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China,director of Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciencesand director of State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication. He 2004 and spent three years (2005–2008) in the Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge as a research associate. He has published more than400 journal papers that received more than20,000 citations and has thehigh-index93, and authorized more than 100 Chinese patents. His research interests include the bioinspired tribology, biomimic surfaces/interfaces of soft matters, drag-reduction and antibiofouling, boundary lubrication. He proposed the surface design principle and preparation technology of mechanical bionic functional materials, developed more than 20 functional coating products, and served more than 10 Chinese companies.He has gained a number of awards including “Outstanding Youth Award” of International Society of Bionic Engineering, 2013,and 1 National Award for Natural Sciences (second class). He serves as anAssociate Editor ofLubrication Science,Tribology Online (JAST) andan editorial board member of Tribology International, Friction, Journal Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics, Coatings etc.

Keynote address: Synthetic lubricants: mechanisms from molecular level to macroscale

Lubrication is an important technical means of energy conservation and emission reduction, a technical way to ensure the smooth and effective operation of machinery. The machine elements that require lubrication to secure operation of machnieries including bearing, gear, hydraulic components etc. Therefore, it has important applications in the civilian military industry. Lubrication is an important part of tribological research. Friction occurs at the solid-solid interface, and the friction process is accompanied by physicochemical processes. Under liquid lubrication conditions, the physical and chemical properties of lubricating oil (viscosity, viscosity index) and its interaction with the interface (adsorption, assembly, destruction) determine its lubricating properties. On the solid surface, molecular adsorption and assembly are the main working principles of lubricants under boundary lubrication conditions, and the strength and density of adsorption affect the friction and anti-wear and bearing capacity of the lubricant. The report describes how simple interface assembly chemistry and supramolecular assembly guide the design of lubricant molecules and play an important role in lubrication. The principle of assembly chemistry can be used to further optimize the molecular structure, improve its lubrication and anti-wear performance, and design novel functional greases. Tribological research methods also provide useful assistance in understanding the dynamic processes of interface assembly chemistry (formation and destruction of assemblies).